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In this section, you will find what delegates say about the ISAPS World Congress. We hope to see you at our next ISAPS World Congress.

Thank you for your feedback!

Read what delegates say about the Olympiad Athens World Congress.

Thank you everyone for your kind words!

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Join us in Cartagena

The call for abstracts for the ISAPS World Congress 2024, Cartagena is now open and to cordially invite you to cordially invite you to submit an abstract. The deadline for abstract submissions is November 6, 2023

The ISAPS World Congress 2024, Cartagena will be an opportunity to once again meet and network with the ISAPS family, exchange knowledge and be part of an innovative scientific program to inspire and nurture excellence in Aesthetic Education Worldwide® for the safety of our patients.

Register now

Connect with our international community of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons.

ISAPS World Congress 2024, Cartagena is the place for you to connect with the International Aesthetic Plastic surgery community and gain new perspectives. You will hear about new procedures, techniques, and options in aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery; to accurately inform the public; and to promote patient safety. ISAPS World Congresses are a forum for the interchange of ideas and knowledge for the advancement of aesthetic plastic surgery.

We look forward to welcoming you in beautiful Cartagena, an epicenter of international events, and a city full of History, culture and tasty Latin flavors.