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How I Do It – Lip Lift

We received several exciting submissions using varying techniques for our June ISAPS NEWS How I Do It section on Lip Lifts. Learn from your peers about different procedures, the latest practices, and the different approaches.  

Lip Lift: How I Do It (plus a video)
Rocio Las Heras, MD - CHILE

Lift Upper Lip: Plication of Orbicular Oris
Maria Teresa Zambrana Rojas, MD – BOLIVIA
Lip Lift How I Do It
Igor Niechajev, MD - SWEDEN

How I Do My Lip Lifts: Initial Consultation through Postoperative Care
Farhad Rafizadeh, MD – UNITED STATES

Read the full articles and watch the video in our June issue.

Do you have a characteristic of a technique or method you would like to share?
Submit your article for consideration.