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What Exactly Is a Mommy Makeover?

Motherhood is one of the most fulfilling and rewarding experiences in the world. From the moment of birth, the connection between mother and child goes beyond words, even beyond feeling. It’s magic.

But after a baby is born, it can be difficult for some mothers to physically bounce back. Pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding take an incredible toll, and sometimes diet and exercise aren’t enough to bring back the original body shape. Although there are many individual procedures that can address these concerns, these can be packaged together to address the whole body.

Meet the Mommy Makeover, a variety of procedures that can reverse the effects of pregnancy, restoring your pre-pregnancy body, sometimes in just one session. A Mommy Makeover can be customized to your specific needs and desires. Here are some of the most common treatments that are requested as part of a Mommy Makeover.

A Mommy Makeover can be customized to your specific needs and desires. Here are some of the most common treatments that are requested as part of a Mommy Makeover.

Breast Augmentation

Hormonal changes during pregnancy can greatly impact the size, shape and fullness of the breasts. After you are finished breastfeeding, you may find that you’ve lost some tissue or that your breasts are sagging. In these cases, breast enhancement can restore the shape and size of your breasts, or if you’d like, make them even fuller than they were before.

Breast enhancement is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures in the world. For the Mommy Makeover, you could choose between two different procedures. First is a breast lift, where excess skin is removed to move the breasts to a higher position on the chest. The other option is breast implants. There are many different kinds of implants out there, from saline to silicone, that can restore both shape and firmness. Talk to your plastic surgeon to determine which procedure would be right for you.

Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)

The stomach is the area of the body that many new mothers feel the most self-conscious about. During pregnancy, tremendous stress is put on the midsection, and the resulting weight gain and skin stretching can leave you with loose skin and lack of definition.

The solution is a tummy tuck, a surgical procedure where excess skin is removed from the stomach area and the muscles are tightened up. An extra benefit for some mothers is that, during the procedure, your surgeon should be able to remove evidence of a C-section incision.


Combined with a tummy tuck, CoolSculpting is one of the most efficient and safe non-surgical methods to restore flatness and definition to the stomach area, and any other areas where you have gained fat over the course of a pregnancy. Keep in mind that CoolSculpting is not a weight loss surgery, it is a body contouring procedure. The closer you are to your target weight at the time of the procedure, the better your results will be.

CoolSculpting uses targeted cold energy to destroy fat cells while leaving the surrounding tissue unharmed. As your body reabsorbs these cells over the course of a few weeks, you will literally see the fat melt away.

Botox and Fillers

The mental stresses of pregnancy and having a new baby can show up on the face of any mother. Motherhood isn’t an easy job, to put it mildly! If you’ve been noticing fine lines or wrinkles forming on your face, a plastic surgeon can quickly and efficiently make them disappear by using a mixture of Botox and dermal fillers.

With Botox, a tiny amount of a neurotoxin is injected into the small twitch muscles of the face that cause wrinkles to form. The neurotoxin isn’t strong enough to cause any permanent damage these muscles, just strong enough to weaken them. Once they stop twitching, the wrinkles above will start to fade.

For deeper wrinkles, dermal fillers can be used to fill them in, kind of like a caulking gun for the face. These fillers are made from natural materials that are slowly and safely reabsorbed by the body over time.

Since Botox and dermal fillers aren’t permanent, maintenance treatments will be necessary.

Arm Lift

As some of the weight gained over the course of pregnancy falls away, excess skin and sagging in certain areas, such as under the arms, can develop. An arm lift is the perfect way to tighten up the skin under the arms, completely eliminating any “bat wings” that may have formed after the pregnancy.

Buttock Augmentation
After pregnancy, many women feel that they have lost definition and lift in their buttocks. The tissue might start drooping a bit, and the skin might not be as smooth. A buttock augmentation is the perfect way to restore your behind to the shape you remember.

A Brazilian buttock lift might be the preferred method for many moms. Fat is taken from other parts of the body through liposuction, and is then used to reshape and enhance your buttocks.

Your Mommy Makeover can include some, or possibly all, of the above surgical procedures. Every body is different. The bodies of some moms seem to rebound almost instantly, others require more time and effort to come back to their pre-pregnancy state. In these cases, a Mommy Makeover can drastically cut down on the time and energy necessary to work on your body. Time that you can spend with your child instead!

To be sure that you get the best results possible from your Mommy Makeover, you need to find a plastic surgeon who has the knowledge and experience to deliver. The best way to ensure this is to find an ISAPS plastic surgeon. To get you started on your search, you can find a full roster of ISAPS certified surgeons here. After just a few procedures, performed by an ISAPS surgeon, you can have back the body you remember, with maybe a few extra enhancements!