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Education Council

The mission of the ISAPS Education Council (EC) is to provide Aesthetic Education Worldwide®. The EC’s role within the ISAPS organization includes full responsibility for:

  • The Biennial Congress Scientific Program
  • All ISAPS courses
  • Approval of endorsed programs
  • Co-ordination of ISAPS Symposia

The Education Council works closely with ISAPS members, the National Secretaries, and National Societies to insure their involvement and full support of these educational activities.

If you wish to offer an ISAPS Course or Symposium, please read the following guidelines before contacting the Education Council.

Welcome Letter From Dr. Andre Auersvald & Dr. Ahmad Saad on behalf of ISAPS Education Council Chair and Vice Chair

Meet the Education Council

Organizers of endorsed events will include 1–2 presentation(s) from 1–2 ISAPS Board of Directors on the program, or alternatively other ISAPS members in the country, preferably the ISAPS National Secretary, to promote ISAPS’ mission and/or also present during the scientific program on any topic in aesthetic surgery.